Tinne26 215 11 1 Famous Brothel Owner Tinne26 215 11 1 7 T22:24 assuming you have properly attempted to extract with the password as explained in Graphics.txt, its most likely something in your end, like trying to uncompress the files in a folder that requires admin rights or something like that Mumbleman 1 Pauper Mumbleman 1 8 T05:04 When I use the torrent files i cannot gain any peers with which to download them, is it a problem on my side or the servers Tinne26 215 11 1 Famous Brothel Owner Tinne26 215 11 1 9 T17:14 please dont quote the whole post, if you can edit the message and remove that. Sim Brothel 2 Revival Password As Explained Servers are usually fixed quickly, but sometimes the problems may persist for a whole day or longer periods of time. This has nothing to do with us (SB2R) or SVN (TortoiseSVN), its the servers where the game content is hosted. SVN is the version control system, not the server hosting the files, SVN cant be down.

Thats because sourceforge asked us to remove all that, so we are temporarily distributing that content through a torrent. Now you have the game and you can already play, but you dont have the adult content yet. If that still doesnt help, you can add a comment in that thread or visit our discord chat and ask there directly, thats usually faster.

If you had any problem during the process, check the troubleshooting.